Diversity and inclusion:
the benefits of assessing your workplace

What is diversity and inclusion?

When talking about diversity and inclusion in society and at work we mean, amongst other things;


The presence of different groups in society and the workplace


The effort to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and can thrive

Diversity and inclusion in EU workplaces

Gender equality

13%Gender pay gap between women and men in the EU

People with disabilities

51%, 74.8%:Employment rate for people with disabilities and without disabilities


16%of Roma report discrimination when looking for work



Trans and gender non-binary

21% (LGBTIQ) and 36% (Trans and gender non-binary)felt discriminated against at work


The unemployment rate for non-EU migrants is roughly twice as high than for EU nationals

Racial or ethnic origin

North African descent

Sub-Saharan African descent

45% (North African descent) and 39% (Sub-Saharan African descent)felt discriminated against in regards to the ethnicity when looking for work

Older generations

40%of people in the EU feel discriminated against on the grounds of age


37%of executives surveyed say their organisation sets senior leadership diversity goals

Increasing diversity and inclusion in the workplace benefits everyone

Attracts Talent and Increases Retention Rates

Up to 28% of European executives acknowledge that diverse talent left their company due to lack of inclusion
76% of job seekers say diversity is an important factor when considering a job

Workers who feel valued and included are more likely to stay with the company

Improves engagement

Studies show a combination of workplace diversity and inclusion increases employee engagement and decreases absenteeism

Employees who feel more included are more engaged in their role

Good for problem-solving and Innovation

Diverse and inclusive teams foster different perspectives and solve problems faster

Diversity and inclusion helps organisations think outside the box and perform better

Better for customer and client understanding

Companies with increased diversity were 70% more likely to report that they had captured new markets

Diversity and inclusion helps companies appeal to new demographics

Boosts performance

Companies with diverse executive boards are among the top performers financially

Diverse and inclusive workplaces have increased revenues

Why assess workplace diversity and inclusion?

Did you know?

33% of European organisations don’t have a diversity and inclusion plan
Assessing workplace diversity and inclusion and its management is an essential step on the journey towards overcoming discrimination


  1. Acknowledge the need for diversity and inclusion
  2. Assess the current situation in your organisation
  3. Draw up a workplace diversity and inclusion policy
  4. Implement the measures to increase diversity and inclusion
  5. Review progress regularly to stay on track

The EU Diversity Self-Assessment tool builds on initiatives from the European Commission to foster diversity and inclusion

How did assessing diversity and inclusion in your organisation help you build a more equal workplace?

President of Fondazione Sodalitas, Italian Diversity Charter
Assessing D&I programs is crucial for any organization committed to spreading an inclusive culture. That is why, as Italian Diversity Charter, we support our signatories in measuring the most significant best practices, enabling them to fully understand their positioning and to identify areas for improvement.
Alberto Pirelli
President of Fondazione Sodalitas,
ItalianDiversity Charter
María Eugenia Girón, President of Fondazione Sodalitas, Italian Diversity Charter
The success of implementing diversity and inclusion strategies largely depends on how organizations measure diversity. Having assessment tools, like the Innodiversity index, is key to defining priorities and designing action plans that allow companies to measure the effectiveness of the D&I actions implemented and detect inefficiencies or anticipate new trends
María Eugenia Girón
President Diversity Charter of Spain
Ana Brčina, Head of Human Resources, Generali osiguranje d.d., Croatia
By assessing diversity and inclusion in our company, we’ve managed to identify and bring to consciousness some of the aspects of our behaviour and processes we have, that can potentially cause inequality if ignored. Only when we are aware of everything that can eventually cause discrimination, we can build a more equal workplace
Ana Brčina,
Head of Human Resources,
Generali osiguranje d.d., Croatia
Dana Oancea, Co-fondatoare/Project Manager, Carta Diversitatii/Romanian Diversity Charter, Romania
Having an assessment firstly showed the organization that we value and focus on D&I. This created the base for discussions, instilled trust, created expectations. Secondly, the assessment showed us both where we stand and what our gaps are, being primordial for a qualitative action plan for improving D&I and building an equal workplace. It helped us implement different customized adjustments, on a need basis, to level the playfield, but also to leverage on what we do well in each microenvironment and implement best practices across the organization.
Luminita Florea,
HR Director Philip Morris Romania
